The new edition of "Breaking the Ice, Lyon"- entirely revised and updated - is now out. "Breaking the Ice" is an excellent, practical guide-book in English designed to help expatriates-international employees, researchers and students -- adjust to life in Lyon and in France. There's more information on as well as an online order form.
"Breaking the Ice" is available in Lyon at bookshops Decitre, Flammarion, and at the Tourist Office boutique (price:14 Euros). For information on bulk order rates, contact Isabelle directly at [email protected] . (For anyone who's moving to Grenoble, the second edition of Breaking the Ice, Grenoble is still available in stores and from Isabelle directly.)
When I moved to Grenoble, I found "Breaking the Ice" to be very useful because it is specific to life in my city, with good resources for expats and a bit of history as well as more general cultural-adjustment tips and helps. The books that describe how to adjust to French life in Paris just didn't help me nearly as much I continue to recommend both books to all newcomers to Grenoble and Lyon.
Mickey Farrance
"Breaking the Ice" is available in Lyon at bookshops Decitre, Flammarion, and at the Tourist Office boutique (price:14 Euros). For information on bulk order rates, contact Isabelle directly at [email protected] . (For anyone who's moving to Grenoble, the second edition of Breaking the Ice, Grenoble is still available in stores and from Isabelle directly.)
When I moved to Grenoble, I found "Breaking the Ice" to be very useful because it is specific to life in my city, with good resources for expats and a bit of history as well as more general cultural-adjustment tips and helps. The books that describe how to adjust to French life in Paris just didn't help me nearly as much I continue to recommend both books to all newcomers to Grenoble and Lyon.
Mickey Farrance