My family and I will be moving to the area of either
Foret de Paimpont near Rennes or the area between
Lamballe and Dinan.We are both professional classical
musicians and our 3 children aged 8, 10 and 13 years
are heavily involved in the arts.We know that in
France there are ecoles de musique after school but we
need help in knowing if there are any schools in the
day time that offer music as part of the school
curriculum in the above areas? We know that the
English school called Village Malifeu in Rennes offers
music.Does anyone have children or know of anyone who
goes to this school and what their experience is?
Also, does anybody know if there are any stage schools
(similar to the British stagecoach i.e. singing,
acting and dancing)outside of school hours. It doesn't
matter if they are French or English
Any help would be very welcome.
Foret de Paimpont near Rennes or the area between
Lamballe and Dinan.We are both professional classical
musicians and our 3 children aged 8, 10 and 13 years
are heavily involved in the arts.We know that in
France there are ecoles de musique after school but we
need help in knowing if there are any schools in the
day time that offer music as part of the school
curriculum in the above areas? We know that the
English school called Village Malifeu in Rennes offers
music.Does anyone have children or know of anyone who
goes to this school and what their experience is?
Also, does anybody know if there are any stage schools
(similar to the British stagecoach i.e. singing,
acting and dancing)outside of school hours. It doesn't
matter if they are French or English
Any help would be very welcome.