Hello all, can someone PLEASE kindly explain to me how difficult it is to gain residency or work-permit if someone was born in France but both parents were not born in Europe at all? The French embassy says it is hardly possible but to first try getting proof of birth at the french birth-town 'Town Hall' which does not exist in that tiny town. The person trying to emigrate only has US naturlization papers showing being naturalized from France (person's parents never gave the birth cert to their child) Someone in the next country from there who knows of this dilemma advises 'chain oneself to a tree and call the media...' The person who I'm doing this research for (US citizen, non-french speaking) just needs any temporary or legal right to relocate anywhere in Europe because the US is constitution ignoring and has turned into nazi-socialism and is not a free or fair country anymore. {please do not reply only to offer attorney or other nonsense 'services'. Merci