My name is Ella. I'm British (English mum, Scottish dad), and have been living in France since the age of 10 (13 years now).
First of all, I think that I speak better French than English now, so sorry if I make some weird mistakes or if I speak "Franglais"...
I previously seeked for information about being intitled to bi-nationality (double nationalité). I was told that to be intitled to it, I either had to:
- Be born in France and have at least one British parent
- Be born in Britain and to have at least one French parent
- Marry a French guy
The first two points do not concern me, and I'm not planning on getting married yet!
So my question is, since I've studied in France for 10 years, I've been working here for 2 years, I pay income tax, habitation tax and that I speak perfect French, shouldn't I be intitled to bi-nationality ?
Where do I have to go to ask about it?
Has anyone experienced something similar?
Best regards,
My name is Ella. I'm British (English mum, Scottish dad), and have been living in France since the age of 10 (13 years now).
First of all, I think that I speak better French than English now, so sorry if I make some weird mistakes or if I speak "Franglais"...
I previously seeked for information about being intitled to bi-nationality (double nationalité). I was told that to be intitled to it, I either had to:
- Be born in France and have at least one British parent
- Be born in Britain and to have at least one French parent
- Marry a French guy
The first two points do not concern me, and I'm not planning on getting married yet!
So my question is, since I've studied in France for 10 years, I've been working here for 2 years, I pay income tax, habitation tax and that I speak perfect French, shouldn't I be intitled to bi-nationality ?
Where do I have to go to ask about it?
Has anyone experienced something similar?
Best regards,