Going to France on a Student Visa. I have plans marry my fiance. Can I drop out of school once I'm on the vie privee et familiale CDS?
7 years ago
Hello everyone, I'm planning on moving to France on a long stay student visa and marry my long time boyfriend (French citizen) shortly after. I saw on the service public website that I should be able to get the vie privée et familiale CDS after we are married and shortly upon the start of my second year in France.
Would I be able to drop out of school once I'm on the vie privée et familiale CDS and continue my stay in France? I know that for the student visa, you need to be in school for your visa to be valid, as studying is defined as the reason for your stay. But for the vie privée et familiale CDS, the reason for your stay is obviously defined under a different reason, so to me, it would make sense that I shouldn't run into any issues regarding dropping out when I'm on the vie privée et familiale CDS, but I'm not 100% sure. I don't want any other unnecessary advice on whether or not I should be doing this, etc.. I would simply like to know if this is possible, legal, not too difficult to do, and if there would be any issues with the process. Thanks!
A little bit about me: I'm an American citizen currently residing in Chicago. My French fluency is B2 (upper intermediate). Currently in school and absolutely miserable in it. Signed up to study abroad in France with hopes of eventually dropping out while abroad. I have been having great success with an online business and I've chosen to work on it full time. Budget wise, I have a good few thousand dollars. Accommodation wise, my boyfriend's family all lives together in one home, and this is where I will be staying.
Again, I only want responses that will tell me about the difficulty and legality behind changing from the long stay student visa to the vie privée et familiale CDS, and whether or not my stay in France would be altered if I were to drop out once I am on the vie privée et familiale CDS. Any responses nagging me on what I should/ should not be doing with my personal life will not be accepted.
Would I be able to drop out of school once I'm on the vie privée et familiale CDS and continue my stay in France? I know that for the student visa, you need to be in school for your visa to be valid, as studying is defined as the reason for your stay. But for the vie privée et familiale CDS, the reason for your stay is obviously defined under a different reason, so to me, it would make sense that I shouldn't run into any issues regarding dropping out when I'm on the vie privée et familiale CDS, but I'm not 100% sure. I don't want any other unnecessary advice on whether or not I should be doing this, etc.. I would simply like to know if this is possible, legal, not too difficult to do, and if there would be any issues with the process. Thanks!
A little bit about me: I'm an American citizen currently residing in Chicago. My French fluency is B2 (upper intermediate). Currently in school and absolutely miserable in it. Signed up to study abroad in France with hopes of eventually dropping out while abroad. I have been having great success with an online business and I've chosen to work on it full time. Budget wise, I have a good few thousand dollars. Accommodation wise, my boyfriend's family all lives together in one home, and this is where I will be staying.
Again, I only want responses that will tell me about the difficulty and legality behind changing from the long stay student visa to the vie privée et familiale CDS, and whether or not my stay in France would be altered if I were to drop out once I am on the vie privée et familiale CDS. Any responses nagging me on what I should/ should not be doing with my personal life will not be accepted.