Hi folks -
I am contemplating a move to Antigua from Tucson, AZ, in the summer of 2023. I am retired and single. I own a 22-lb male pug, 2 years old, who I want to bring with me. Is that a bad idea? I don't see any dog parks in Antigua but I did see a couple of pugs when I was there in May. I'm concerned about getting him there - he will have to fly in the cabin of the plane because of his short snout, and if I drive it is 2400 miles and I'm not sure how we would do on such a long trip. Have any of you moved with your pets (specifically dogs) to Guatemala? Do you have any advice for me? I haven't decided whether to move yet or not - I'm coming back for a month next February to see how it feels. TIA!
Tucson, AZ