Hey everybody, I've been visiting Latin American countries for years but I am a very slow Spanish learner. I'm currently having difficulty navigating things I need to do in Guatemala, and everyone I ask about where to post a job offer for translators tells me there aren't any common or really popular sites for this type of thing. I'm looking to hire a translator in Guatemala City to take with me to handle some business including company setup and banking. I've found a few services, but they are extremely expensive, all I need is somebody with reasonably fluency (doesn't have to be a translator who translates professionally). On the broader topic, any suggestions on where to post jobs that a translator or other locals would find? I'm also trying to recruit programmers and other tech workers, but when I've asked some locals what job sites are popular here they said most people find jobs through word of mouth.
Thanks for any suggestions, and if anyone has enough Spanish fluency (and English) and wants to earn a good rate for helping with a few appoints (around zona 10 and zona 14) in Guate, feel free to message me about that as well.
Thanks for any suggestions, and if anyone has enough Spanish fluency (and English) and wants to earn a good rate for helping with a few appoints (around zona 10 and zona 14) in Guate, feel free to message me about that as well.