i have been researching this area for awhile and plan to buy a lot near le ceiba either on the beach or in a gated community.there are many canadians developing in honduras in trujillio,le ceiba,nuvo armenia.i have found and talked to many developers in the area and the lots are selling for these communities but the services are taking years to develop and many are reselling their lots here in canada on kijiji.and they say their reason is health reasons.i would like to know why so many are buying lots there and then reselling them at cost or discounts and i talked to one couple from vancouver who didnt even finish there cottage and have it for sale.i plan to come down possibly at the end of the year to see the area and talk to some of the developers,but im concerned with the amount of canadians pulling the plug on this area.is it safety,language,water,electricity.if anyone has info on the area between le ceiba and trujillo please let us know.preferably someone who lives there and not developers who are trying to attract new business,thanks,