My family and I are seriously researching a move to Budapest in the next year or so (we're Americans currently located in Chicago, IL). First, I'd like to thank everyone for their helpful comments to the forum thusfar (they've actually answered a lot of my questions already) but I've still got a couple of lingering curiosities that I hope you'll indulge me.
First, regarding Budapest's Districts:
We are looking for a nice district in which to eventually purchase property. Unfortunately, my wife and I have slightly different priorities. She enjoys the peace & quiet of the country, and wants a house with a little parcel of land. I, on the other hand, need to be reasonably close to an urban area or I get really bored (not to mention that I'll probably find employment within Budapest itself).
My wife seems to prefer the geography of the Pest side. For that reason, we've been researching the XVI or XVII districts, but we're interested in other suggestions as well. Also, we're not opposed to looking at the various smaller towns on the outskirts of Budapest (Godollo or Vac, perhaps?) as long as it doesn't make my commute to work hellish. We know very little regarding our possibilities there, however.
Second, regarding climate:
The various guidebooks I've picked up mention that temperatures in Budapest are generally in the 20's - 30's (degrees Farenheit) during the winter months and 70's - 80's in the summer, on average. Unfortunately, they all then go on to say that the city can be "bitterly cold" in winter and "brutally hot" in summer.
Maybe it's just my background here in the US Midwest, but to me bitter cold is single digits temps with -30 to -70 degree wind chills (again, all temps Farenheit) with brutally hot being 100 degrees and a heat index around 125. Somebody *please* tell me that my confusion is due merely to a trick of the wording, and that the climate in Budapest is more temperate that what I'm used to here.
Thanks in advance for all your help.
My family and I are seriously researching a move to Budapest in the next year or so (we're Americans currently located in Chicago, IL). First, I'd like to thank everyone for their helpful comments to the forum thusfar (they've actually answered a lot of my questions already) but I've still got a couple of lingering curiosities that I hope you'll indulge me.
First, regarding Budapest's Districts:
We are looking for a nice district in which to eventually purchase property. Unfortunately, my wife and I have slightly different priorities. She enjoys the peace & quiet of the country, and wants a house with a little parcel of land. I, on the other hand, need to be reasonably close to an urban area or I get really bored (not to mention that I'll probably find employment within Budapest itself).
My wife seems to prefer the geography of the Pest side. For that reason, we've been researching the XVI or XVII districts, but we're interested in other suggestions as well. Also, we're not opposed to looking at the various smaller towns on the outskirts of Budapest (Godollo or Vac, perhaps?) as long as it doesn't make my commute to work hellish. We know very little regarding our possibilities there, however.
Second, regarding climate:
The various guidebooks I've picked up mention that temperatures in Budapest are generally in the 20's - 30's (degrees Farenheit) during the winter months and 70's - 80's in the summer, on average. Unfortunately, they all then go on to say that the city can be "bitterly cold" in winter and "brutally hot" in summer.
Maybe it's just my background here in the US Midwest, but to me bitter cold is single digits temps with -30 to -70 degree wind chills (again, all temps Farenheit) with brutally hot being 100 degrees and a heat index around 125. Somebody *please* tell me that my confusion is due merely to a trick of the wording, and that the climate in Budapest is more temperate that what I'm used to here.
Thanks in advance for all your help.