When asked how much educated men were superior to those uneducated, Aristotle answered, 'As much as the living is to the dead.’ The practice of education and learning started long before when human beings were living a civilized life or may be even before that. Education or learning does not only mean be capable to read and write but it makes human special from animal where we learn to survive in society and make it better place. Here comes the role of an international school where students get the opportunity to learn according to international standards and also benefits extracurricular activities.
Education should consist of a series of enchantments, each raising the individual to a higher level of awareness, understanding, and kinship with all living things. For this endeavor international schools construct their curriculum in such a system where students will get international stage education. Some of them offer International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (IB PYP) along with the Central board of secondary education (CBSE) and sometimes even Cambridge International Examinations (CIE). This facilitates the student to be qualified in International standard and also helps them to develop themselves and slowly the society around them.
Being in an educational institution does not only mean to study the manuscript, but to develop the personality of a student. Here best International Schools play vital role and they make available healthy atmosphere where students can debate on concerned subjects, interact with faculty and friends. Other than personality development, in an international school a student is exposed to other spheres and extracurricular activities in arts, sports etc
Apart from the cultural activities an international standard education facilitates the student with wide opened career and professional opportunities. Since children are the building blocks of tomorrow, it is the conscientiousness of the society to grant them with a strong growing condition.
This brings the significance of an education in international standards.
For the secondary students they offer the Cambridge Lower Secondary Program (Cambridge IGC SE) and Central Board of Secondary Education syllabus to endow them with more advanced growth. It provides the systematic progress and turn into further sophisticated at this phase where they are much more exposed to world of science and mathematics and also helps to varied skills.
Since we believe in the reality that children are the building blocks of tomorrow, the curriculum should be central part on which the personal and mental capabilities of a student to be formed and for this purpose educational institution and the government bodies should take measures to construct such curriculum which can lend a hand so that student can reach out the purpose.
[email protected]
Education should consist of a series of enchantments, each raising the individual to a higher level of awareness, understanding, and kinship with all living things. For this endeavor international schools construct their curriculum in such a system where students will get international stage education. Some of them offer International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (IB PYP) along with the Central board of secondary education (CBSE) and sometimes even Cambridge International Examinations (CIE). This facilitates the student to be qualified in International standard and also helps them to develop themselves and slowly the society around them.
Being in an educational institution does not only mean to study the manuscript, but to develop the personality of a student. Here best International Schools play vital role and they make available healthy atmosphere where students can debate on concerned subjects, interact with faculty and friends. Other than personality development, in an international school a student is exposed to other spheres and extracurricular activities in arts, sports etc
Apart from the cultural activities an international standard education facilitates the student with wide opened career and professional opportunities. Since children are the building blocks of tomorrow, it is the conscientiousness of the society to grant them with a strong growing condition.
This brings the significance of an education in international standards.
For the secondary students they offer the Cambridge Lower Secondary Program (Cambridge IGC SE) and Central Board of Secondary Education syllabus to endow them with more advanced growth. It provides the systematic progress and turn into further sophisticated at this phase where they are much more exposed to world of science and mathematics and also helps to varied skills.
Since we believe in the reality that children are the building blocks of tomorrow, the curriculum should be central part on which the personal and mental capabilities of a student to be formed and for this purpose educational institution and the government bodies should take measures to construct such curriculum which can lend a hand so that student can reach out the purpose.
[email protected]