Hello; I am brand new here; great forums; I am a 48-year old American citizen living in the USA. I would like to retire to Ireland in approximately 16--18 years. I am of Irish descent through my paternal grandparents and am just starting the process to obtain my Irish Citizenship. Having read the forum on US non-EU expats getting kicked out for not having enough money has convinced me to obtain my Irish Citizenship and passport so that can not happen. Has anyone else from the USA obtained their citizenship through their grandparents ? Is it better to do it on your own or go through an agency; I found http://www.morrigan.com/ which will obtain my gr-father's long-form birth certificate for $280; however I found another site where I can get it for 40 Euro; I just don't want to be ripped off; I work for state government and believe I can do this on my own but also have heard it's very difficult doing this on your own with the irish government; any advice/stories/warnings welcome; thanks Brian F .