We have been in Italy for 5 months now but on our 2 months, my husband got gravely ill, he had a live threatening infection! I hadnt even driven in the city here out of fear and culture shock and anyone that has been to Sicily will understand the lawlessness on the roads. Being a contractor my husband has support from the Military Base to sue the services but the Hospital on Base said they could not help him he would have to go downtown to get better care, he was slated to die within 48 hrs it was that bad, they brought along a temporary translator, didnt help much, after he left My husband needed immediate antibiotics and possibly surgery. This was by far the most stressful event of my life. The ambulance from the American Base took him to downtown as I followed pertrified! They took us to a hospital in Catania in the oldest dirtiest Hospital in the city. I was forced to drive there at night in the rain, got lost, going down one way streets the wrong way, but I had no fear all I could think about was my husband! come to find it is the most crime ridden area of the whole city and I was walking around at nite lost trying to find the hospital and my car. The next day he was told they would have to do surgery he refused the surgery thank god, and luckily another doctor came in and said she could save him with antibiotics and she spoke some English thank god, so for the next intense week she took care of him and he slowly got better fighting the infection off. At one point another doctor insisted on 100 E cash a nite for a private room and my hsband said no I have insurance, I wont pay you. the hospital was old, dirty, people smoked in the halls, you wouldnt even use the bathroom in that place, but my husband was dying and I didnt care really, I am just thankful for that doctor that saved him with intense antibiotics, I think she was some kind of angel. As far as Im concerned I hope no one ever has to be forced to find out what its like in an Italian Hospital but I am thankful for them. We assumed the Base would be able to take care of him and they didnt so that was disheartening. One good thing, since I was forced to drive around this crazy city I am not afraid anymore. Oh and the pharamcies are awesome, 5 presciptions, no line, 5 min wait 25 Euro. Why cant they be like that in the States.