i am in a situation where i have been "backed to the wall" by an uncaring family, and by my obliviousness to the fact that i should have been making better plans concerning my and my fiancee's futures, while i cared for my mother, who was crippled in an auto accident in the early 1990's. after her recent demise, i discovered to my shock that other greedy, slothful family members had already gotten together to plan how they could profit from mom's death, and my labors to keep the woman in comfort, etc., during her last years. the family seems to be controlled be the few "elders" remaining, on mom's side, who are all half- italian. my dad was hungarian, and was wounded in the battle of anzio, before he met mom. he remarried when i was very young, but as the first born male child, i was denied the option of joining the u.s. infantry, as my dad, (now also deceased), and younger brother had. i am a classically trained artist. i have discovered that there is a military museum in anzio, which i would like to apply to the dept. of the army, (U.S.) to volunteer to curate, i know not a word, (practically) of italian, as i am 2nd generation american, but i want to take lessons here in the U.S., apply for visas for myself, my fiancee, and several members of her family. i believe that the dept. of the army should be able to assist us, neither myself or my fiancee have ever traveled abroad, we are both U.S. born. does anyone have any advice for us? the u.s. has become a hostile place for us lately, due to my family's extreme disregard for our situation. anyone in the U.S., who may wish to contact me may through this website, i believe my telephone # is also listed with expat exchange. i would welcome personal communication. thank you, andrew ginter, ithaca, n.y., U.S.