This is another one of my, "Gee, I wonder how this is done in Italy." When I move to Italy I will need a car -- one that is practical, as economical with gas as possible, and not tiny, but small enough to park on public streets. Not only do I not know what type of car I should buy; I know nothing about the buying process in Italy. I only know that I dread the process in the U.S. Does one do much haggling on car prices in Italy? I also confess that I am not simpatico with Italians that love their cars (like many Americans too.) My ego is not wrapped up in my car's image and I just want reasonably comfortable transportation. Please give me some idea how the car buying process is different from the US and what tips you may have for a successful undertaking. OMG, I haven't even begun to think about car insurance. YIKES!