My husband and I are planning to apply for study visas soon to do a year-long Italian language course in Firenze that starts in September. We will also be applying for visas for our 2 children, ages 15 and 12, to travel with us. We have been advised to apply for Nulla Ostas for the kids once we receive our visas, but we are very concerned about the possibility of not receiving them in time to get the kids' visas before our scheduled departure on Aug. 31.
I have recently learned of something called a “family cohesion” stay permit. I ran across a blog post of a family who was moving to Italy for a Sabbatical year and the consulate in Detroit advised them to have their children travel on tourist visas and then apply for family cohesion when they applied for their permessos. Has anyone heard of this or gone this route? I would appreciate any help you can offer!
I have recently learned of something called a “family cohesion” stay permit. I ran across a blog post of a family who was moving to Italy for a Sabbatical year and the consulate in Detroit advised them to have their children travel on tourist visas and then apply for family cohesion when they applied for their permessos. Has anyone heard of this or gone this route? I would appreciate any help you can offer!