I am looking for the sales receipt ("scontrino") with 2 products of these:
Merendine Kinder & Ferrero (Kinder Brioss, Kinder Brioss latte macchiato, Kinder Brioss frutta, Kinder Colazione più, Kinder Panecioc, Kinder Panecioc cacao, Kinder Delice, Fiesta e Fiesta caffè (tutti i formati)),
Nutella (formati 630gr, 825gr, 1kg),
Estathé (formato Tris Bicchieri, Valigetta da 4 tris, Bottiglia 1,5L e 1,75L (tutti i gusti))
to get the kit for school.
Anybody has one (s)he doesn't need and can send me a photo of the receipt?
If I get more than one receipt, I'll ask the teacher if they need the pencils at school to use for all children.
The promotion ends September 20th.