I never know when I'm going to hear about a tax or fee that most people must pay here in Italy, but for which they rarely receive a bill. Learning about these costs seems so random. I've heard about others that should have paid a tax or fee only to learn that they were in arrears and owed penalties too. Amongst these is the television tax that you pay for each TV in your household. How much is it? How and where does one pay it? Un mistero! Then there is the very unpopular real estate tax on a principal residences that was introduced only a few years ago that now I am being told was abolished beginning in 2016. Is this true? Then there is a hefty trash collection fee or tax that I must pay each year (once a year, twice?) to the commune. I also heard that you must pay a fee each year to drive a car -- something separate from your drivers license. Really? How much is that one and when and where do you pay that. And finally, what other tidbits of info on this topic can my fellow forum members offer up to confound me further. I hate things coming at me from behind. I like to plan and anticipate -- a personal trait that has suffered greatly in Bel Paese.