This is a little off the beaten track, but trying to get some info and thought someone on the forum might be able to advise.
I am being treated for Lyme disease and working with an herbalist. I was online last night researching the cost of supplements and herbs on Amazon in the EU vs the US, and was astounded at the difference. A product I pay $44 for in the US, costs $189 in the EU. Unbelievable. My income is quite low at the moment, and I don't know how I can afford this. It might sound crazy, but I take approximately 30 supplements per day, a few several times a day to treat the Lyme and various aspects of my health.
This will be the first time I'm using my Italian passport, and going through Italian customs on arrival, I am unfamiliar with the process and don't know what to expect and am feeling rather nervous.
Navigating all of this while addressing the Lyme gets overwhelming, as. as I'm preparing for the move and relocating solo, but I am committed to the process.
My questions are:
1. How does customs work? (I speak only a little Italian, so another hurdle to work through.)
2. If I were to take a 6-month supply of everything my doctors and herbalists prescribe, it would fill a small suitcase. Can I do this?
3. Will I have to pay taxes on the supplements when I arrive in Italy?
4. And, lastly, because I would be taking such a large amount, is there a danger of the products being confiscated?
I am sure I will have more questions as I go. Right now, planning to leave early 2017.
I appreciate everyone on the forum immensely. You've been, and are. a great support.
Thank you!
I am being treated for Lyme disease and working with an herbalist. I was online last night researching the cost of supplements and herbs on Amazon in the EU vs the US, and was astounded at the difference. A product I pay $44 for in the US, costs $189 in the EU. Unbelievable. My income is quite low at the moment, and I don't know how I can afford this. It might sound crazy, but I take approximately 30 supplements per day, a few several times a day to treat the Lyme and various aspects of my health.
This will be the first time I'm using my Italian passport, and going through Italian customs on arrival, I am unfamiliar with the process and don't know what to expect and am feeling rather nervous.
Navigating all of this while addressing the Lyme gets overwhelming, as. as I'm preparing for the move and relocating solo, but I am committed to the process.
My questions are:
1. How does customs work? (I speak only a little Italian, so another hurdle to work through.)
2. If I were to take a 6-month supply of everything my doctors and herbalists prescribe, it would fill a small suitcase. Can I do this?
3. Will I have to pay taxes on the supplements when I arrive in Italy?
4. And, lastly, because I would be taking such a large amount, is there a danger of the products being confiscated?
I am sure I will have more questions as I go. Right now, planning to leave early 2017.
I appreciate everyone on the forum immensely. You've been, and are. a great support.
Thank you!