I posted something the other day & I want to followup on what steps to take to get your Italian Citizenship recognized in Italy, so basically applying in Italy vs United States. This information I was able to get not on FB but just simply googling Dual U.S. Italian Citizenship Applying in Italy. Apparently this information is from people on that forum who have applied in Italy & live their. You can also type in Applying in United States and will give you that information. So here it is what it says the procedure is, PLEASE if anyone disagrees please let me know because I will apply in Italy as well. The information I read did not indicate a date it was written. Hopefully they update it, so again let me know if it's right, wrong, missing something? ***REMEMBER THESE STEPS ARE FOR APPLYING IN ITALY TO GET YOUR CITIZENSHIP RECOGNIZED. *** "JURE SANGUINIS"
Before leaving United States you must have all your AMERICAN certificates translated in Italian & Apostilled. (Birth, Marriage, Divorce, etc.)
There are 8,000 Comune in Italy. You can choose which one to apply- *Note*-Larger cities are more busy & overwhelmed with applicants so don't go to a big city. Tiny cities may be faster but not cities off a beaten path as they may not be so knowledgeable.
Step 1- Get a Codice Fiscal
Step 2- Get yourself a place to live
Step 3- Declaring Presence- Within 8 days of arriveing into Italy you must go to the Police Station called (Questura) to file a Declaration of Presence known as "Dichiarazione di Presenza". You will need to bring all your paperwork to show them you want to get your Italian Citizenship recognized. You will also need a 3x4 photo of yourself and proof you are staying somewhere in Italy. A lease agreement or letter of hospitality is required. The owner of the place you are leasing has 48 hours to inform the Questura their property is rented by you. The questura releases a document called " Communicazione di Fabbricato" you will need a copy of this document for your residency application at the Comune. The CdF is not needed if the contract was registered with the "Agenzia delle Entrate" who handles this on owners behalf.
Step4- Get your Permesso di Soggiorno( PDS) ** In case it takes more than 90 days to process your citizenship you can stay longer without breaking any laws or overstay. Pick up the packet you need to fill out at Post Office it's called (kit giallo). You will fill out Modulo 1 in black ink. You also need a 16 euros stamp called Marco da bollo can purchase at Tabaccheria. The post office gives you a receipt to show for your residence.
Step 5- Residency Declaration- Visit the Anagrafe office. Bring your rental agreement or letter of hospitality. The clerk will also want to see citizenship paper work at this time. The clerk will look over documents but not keep them. **Sometimes the Anagrafe clerk will not permit you to be registered as a resident unless you have the "Permesso Di Soggiorno" - PdS. ** This is why you should get a PdS beforehand.
Step6- Once your residency app is accepted a Police officer(Vigile) stops by your house to confirm your physically present. Put your name on doorbell till complete. He has 45 days to visit but usually not that long. They can make up to 3 visits sometimes.
Step7- Citizenship Appointment- You will give clerk documents then a completed application called "Istanza di riconoscimento del possesso dello status civitatis italiano" with a Marco da bollo ( revenue stamp) 16 euros from tabaccheria can be purchased.
Before leaving United States you must have all your AMERICAN certificates translated in Italian & Apostilled. (Birth, Marriage, Divorce, etc.)
There are 8,000 Comune in Italy. You can choose which one to apply- *Note*-Larger cities are more busy & overwhelmed with applicants so don't go to a big city. Tiny cities may be faster but not cities off a beaten path as they may not be so knowledgeable.
Step 1- Get a Codice Fiscal
Step 2- Get yourself a place to live
Step 3- Declaring Presence- Within 8 days of arriveing into Italy you must go to the Police Station called (Questura) to file a Declaration of Presence known as "Dichiarazione di Presenza". You will need to bring all your paperwork to show them you want to get your Italian Citizenship recognized. You will also need a 3x4 photo of yourself and proof you are staying somewhere in Italy. A lease agreement or letter of hospitality is required. The owner of the place you are leasing has 48 hours to inform the Questura their property is rented by you. The questura releases a document called " Communicazione di Fabbricato" you will need a copy of this document for your residency application at the Comune. The CdF is not needed if the contract was registered with the "Agenzia delle Entrate" who handles this on owners behalf.
Step4- Get your Permesso di Soggiorno( PDS) ** In case it takes more than 90 days to process your citizenship you can stay longer without breaking any laws or overstay. Pick up the packet you need to fill out at Post Office it's called (kit giallo). You will fill out Modulo 1 in black ink. You also need a 16 euros stamp called Marco da bollo can purchase at Tabaccheria. The post office gives you a receipt to show for your residence.
Step 5- Residency Declaration- Visit the Anagrafe office. Bring your rental agreement or letter of hospitality. The clerk will also want to see citizenship paper work at this time. The clerk will look over documents but not keep them. **Sometimes the Anagrafe clerk will not permit you to be registered as a resident unless you have the "Permesso Di Soggiorno" - PdS. ** This is why you should get a PdS beforehand.
Step6- Once your residency app is accepted a Police officer(Vigile) stops by your house to confirm your physically present. Put your name on doorbell till complete. He has 45 days to visit but usually not that long. They can make up to 3 visits sometimes.
Step7- Citizenship Appointment- You will give clerk documents then a completed application called "Istanza di riconoscimento del possesso dello status civitatis italiano" with a Marco da bollo ( revenue stamp) 16 euros from tabaccheria can be purchased.