We are living in Sicily and were vaccinated at the U.S. military base here. Of course we have the CDC cards that prove the Moderna vax. After reading all the posts about Green Passes, I don't have a good feeling about converting CDC to Green Pass. Yes, bureaucracy, layer upon layer X10 in Sicily. We have our Tessera Sanitaria(s), our SPID(s), paper Carta D'Identita' (the Comune balked at new ones because we have 3 yrs. left on these). What we suspect is that there are so few of us who have U.S. vax that we will not be noticed nor helped by any official policy. The most we can hope for is a kind soul who is willing to work some miracle--that is take it upon him/herself to bypass the bureaucracy to help us. Our concern is that the Italian Government's decree that U.S. vax records will be honored will not filter down the all the gate keepers checking Green Passes. We still have some cards to play--we will let you know what happens. Like I say, "Everyday is an adventure!"