Hello, I am new to this site and this forum and I hope to benefit from your advice. As I approach retirement, I began a search to settle in Italy (or spend a good portion of the year). I hold dual citizenship (Canadian and European) so I understood that it would possibly be an advantage. Also, I'm fluent in Italian so again that could be handy. I don't have a fixed idea about the region but after 27 years of an extremely stressful life, I know that I am attracted by the smaller villages and a view of the water. Although, I could certainly appreciate the more popular and touristic cities, I'm looking for the towns where everything seems at a very slow pace. Therefore, If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them. For now, I drawn towards Sardinia and Puglia even if my initial instinct was Tuscany.
The aspects that worry me the most are the choice of a real estate broker and a notary. I also read that many do business with a local lawyer. Another aspect is financing (funding). I would be able to take my savings for the purchase of this property but I would really like to explore the possibility of a mortgage while waiting for an official retirement.
Anyhow, I realize my post contains a lot of questions and although I do lots of research, I can certainly use some recommendations.
Thanking you in advance.
The aspects that worry me the most are the choice of a real estate broker and a notary. I also read that many do business with a local lawyer. Another aspect is financing (funding). I would be able to take my savings for the purchase of this property but I would really like to explore the possibility of a mortgage while waiting for an official retirement.
Anyhow, I realize my post contains a lot of questions and although I do lots of research, I can certainly use some recommendations.
Thanking you in advance.