My wife and I typically spend 6 months/year in Italy, with permessos di soggiorno (residencia elettiva). Previously our permessos were issued for one year only, but the most recent permessos we obtained (in 2021) are valid for two years.
We just returned to Italy from the US a few days ago this May went to apply locally for new health cards to replace the ones we got in 2021, which had expired 12/31/21. The cost for each of the last two years has been about 2800 Euros for both of us.
This google translation below of a part of the official Tessera Sanitaria website ( states the following:
“The health card-CNS is free or equal to the duration of the residence permit, and, at the expiry of the TS, is sent, by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, to all citizens assisted by the National Health Service.” (emphasis added).
Are we entitled to health cards expiring 12/31/22 without additional cost beyond the approximate 2800 Euros we paid in 2021?
We just returned to Italy from the US a few days ago this May went to apply locally for new health cards to replace the ones we got in 2021, which had expired 12/31/21. The cost for each of the last two years has been about 2800 Euros for both of us.
This google translation below of a part of the official Tessera Sanitaria website ( states the following:
“The health card-CNS is free or equal to the duration of the residence permit, and, at the expiry of the TS, is sent, by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, to all citizens assisted by the National Health Service.” (emphasis added).
Are we entitled to health cards expiring 12/31/22 without additional cost beyond the approximate 2800 Euros we paid in 2021?