This might sound dramatic, but it's all honest. I want to know what it is like to live in a city where you are not constantly thinking of being shot for no reason? Is it peaceful? When you go for a walk are you able to think like you did when you were a child? Do you feel safe? PEACE? What is peace like? I'm asking because in America right now, whether you are in church or a movie theater or in a crowded mall there is a sense that any moment, your number is up, you will hear the deafening sound of gunfire and you will, in sense die for nothing. People are shot walking their dogs, young children are shot playing basketball. There are mass shootings that make you wonder if you ever had a child could you send them to school? This is America. It is also a place where property ownership is a complete lie. You never own it, even if you inherit it you don't own it, you will have to pay property taxes that are so expensive buying a home feels meaningless. (keep in mind i'm living in one of the most expensive parts of America, but culture and humanity are important to my well being, so I live where I can walk to theaters, churches and museums. ) I'm curious about peaceful places in Italy. How is Turin? I felt at home in Rome during one visit and debated how I could of just stayed. But I'm curious about other places, I'm trying to find a city with peaceful people, museums, churches and theaters. My people are from a town near Taormina, Sicily..never been there. I'm curious about Turin, Palermo... or anyone who has any ideas. I'm seeking, peace, love and prosperity, on the cheap ;-)