My wife and I are 64 year old Americans attempting to work out some final details prior to our consulate appointment.
Can folks on this forum offer any suggestions/advice regarding transitional details from #1 our existing health insurance -> #2 private international health insurance -> #3 Italian SSN.
Specifically: we have discovered that because we have certain "pre-existing conditions" relative to our health (blood pressure medication, etc...), those conditions may not be covered under the #2 private international health insurance (interim) coverage that we purchase (for example Cigna Global and Allianz).
How have expats here typically managed this transitional coverage until they are able to enroll in the #3 Italian SSN? For instance, by simply paying out of pocket for services in the more affordable Italian health care system? Or perhaps by purchasing some supplemental private insurance from an Italian company?
Any suggestions, experiences, advice would be greatly appreciated - thank you!
Can folks on this forum offer any suggestions/advice regarding transitional details from #1 our existing health insurance -> #2 private international health insurance -> #3 Italian SSN.
Specifically: we have discovered that because we have certain "pre-existing conditions" relative to our health (blood pressure medication, etc...), those conditions may not be covered under the #2 private international health insurance (interim) coverage that we purchase (for example Cigna Global and Allianz).
How have expats here typically managed this transitional coverage until they are able to enroll in the #3 Italian SSN? For instance, by simply paying out of pocket for services in the more affordable Italian health care system? Or perhaps by purchasing some supplemental private insurance from an Italian company?
Any suggestions, experiences, advice would be greatly appreciated - thank you!