I am amazed at the questions that get asked on the Italian forum. I have been a member of this site for well over 10 years and each time I receive an update on the forum, I am amazed at the questions that get asked. It appears to me that many who post questions have not done a minimum level of their own research or homework. You can find anything on the Italy, you just have to google it. Some (Many) people after they find the link to the the Italian ExPat site, think that it is the "golden" information center for Italy. Every ExPat that has successfully made the transition from the United States to Italy has their own unique set of circumstances and what they relate is how it worked for them and IT DOES NOT MEAN it will work for someone else. I entered Italy for the first time in 1983 for 3 years and again in 1988 for 3 years with the military, so I got a good dose of how it was to live in Italy. In 1989 I married an Italian, who has since become a dual citizen. It is obvious that my circumstances are unique to me, so very seldom do I have opinions on how someone else should negotiate the Italian systems. My advice, take it or leave it. Do your homework first reference Italy, then ask clarification questions/advice on the forum. You have a much better chance of getting the best information that way.