Good Day, I'm a experienced traveler also I had live in 4 Countries (Argentina (Where I was Born), Canada (Nova Scotia), London and now Amsterdam) I'm always open to new adventures. Recently I was offered a Job position in the company I'm working to move to Japan, Salary is close to 20M Yens (Which seem pretty OK to have a nice life there) But after some research I found foreigners have a very hard time finding rental in Tokyo. Something like only a 5% of the Landlords are willing to rent to people from other countries. The company only will pay for a temporary location for a couple of months after that I will be on my own. Probably the biggest concern is I have a dog "Border Collie" which maybe will bring extra trouble for rent something.
My Question Should I be concern? Everything I had read is true? I have never been denied a rental because been a foreigner (Something I found very Xenofobic) Which maybe said a lot about the Japanese Society. I visited Japan about 6 Years ago and probably I was naive but didn't found any rejection also I had some Japanese friends back in the English School (16 Years Ago) Which seem pretty nice. But I'm aware of the difference between been a Tourist and a Resident.
My Question Should I be concern? Everything I had read is true? I have never been denied a rental because been a foreigner (Something I found very Xenofobic) Which maybe said a lot about the Japanese Society. I visited Japan about 6 Years ago and probably I was naive but didn't found any rejection also I had some Japanese friends back in the English School (16 Years Ago) Which seem pretty nice. But I'm aware of the difference between been a Tourist and a Resident.