I consider it my duty to warn you about the way things are done here. I live here, and know. First, when you come to live here, you MUST register where you live in order to get a permit to stay. BEFORE you rent a place you MUST make sure your landlord will alow you to do so at that address. This is a formal procedure which means they have to go to city hall and openly declare you. If anyone tells you otherwise they are a liar. It is a big deal for a landlord to do this, and it is not easy to find one who will. Mostly because he admits that he has rental income and this puts him on the books. If he does do it, add %18 VAT tax to your rent. You will get a slip of paper that says you have been registered and it is your proof. You need this, it is the law. Lithuania will not think twice about deporting you at the drop of a hat. Second, when you rent ask this... When the fridge breaks, who pays for it? When the pipe blows at 2 am who do I call, and who pays? Guess what? They want you to pay. Watch how fast the landlord runs when you ask these questions! Is the place heated with gas? Forget it, you will go broke in winter. Most places are furnished... watch your ass, because he will look when you move out and it better look the same or he will want to be paid. Most places have centeral heat and is controlled by the Gov and they shut it off in April no matter how cold it is! Do not trust ANY Lithuanian business AT ALL. They bring the art of screwing people to a whole new level. I could go on, but that is enough. YOU MUST REGISTER, or you will get deported!