If Lithuanian truly wants to grow and prosper, it really needs to realize and consider a few things. The first thing is language - nobody wants to learn Lithuanian unless they really, badly need to. Yes - it a proud, ancient language, but it is not very useful for business or communicating with the world outside of Lithuania. Lithuania's population is slowly decreasing every year, because some of its best people can find better employment and opportunities if they leave it. Almost every Western country migrant I have met seems to finally get sick of Lithuania and leaves after trying to live here for a few years - their complaints usually involve the poor level of opportunities, discrimination, and the overbearing level of bureaucracy and depression that they have to deal with here. Lithuania is a nice, beautiful country filled with priekabus people who make it difficult for newcomers. My solution would involve a massive effort for Lithuanians to learn at least English at a much higher level, provide attractive conditions for foreigners to come here and live without the gudrus attitudes towards preying upon them, and stop advertising and bragging about how great they are. Lithuania has a reputation as a country that is all "show" and no "go". If you can't slow the tide of your own people leaving, then try to attract the best from other countries to come here. This does not mean losing your own identity, it means evolving in a changing world.