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A visit to Ajijic Mexico 3/4 years ago.

6 years ago
As Britons, my wife and I went for a three week visit to Ajijic Mexico, we had read of the snowbird winter population there, we were looking for a permanent destination, Just before departing I read a US report advising not to travel to the area as there were drug gangs murdering local people.
It was too late to cancell, we got to our destination via Texas, the accommodation was
Very poor, but the discovery that there had been numerous murders of beheaded victims left in vans outside of town was quite disturbing. It was the worst visit to anywhere in my life, and I have visited Africa, Indonesia, Australia (great place) Seychelles, etc, etc. But nothing compared with Mexico. We decided on Buying a villa in Madeira, a small Portuguese island mid Atlantic, near the Canaries. A lovely scenic place, very friendly folk, known for being
Completely crime free. and it is. We live in the capital Funchal, and have a balcony overlooking the city to the harbour, we can see the daily visits of various cruise ships including those from the USA. All the locals speak English, we can fly within an hour or two to many parts of Europe, and within Three hours to London, I'm surprised more Americans don't move here, full year round sunshine, cost of living is great, we have a deal that saves us paying any tax here or the UK. Come on over it's the best destination and the safest by far.

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Best Places to Live in Mexico Best Places to Live in Mexico

If you're thinking about living in Mexico, here are the 15 Best Places to Live in Mexico in 2023.

Healthcare in MexicoHealthcare in Mexico

If you're moving to Mexico or an expat living in Mexico, understanding the Mexican healthcare system is essential. We offer an overview of the public and private healthcare systems in Mexico, health insurance for expats in Mexico, hospitals and prescription drugs.

Cost of Living in MexicoCost of Living in Mexico

Expats offer insight into the cost of living in Mexico.

Moving to MexicoMoving to Mexico Guide

Expats in Mexico share important tips for people preparing to move to Mexico. From banking in Mexico to finding a safe city, read these 8 tips before moving to Mexico.

Real Estate in MexicoReal Estate in Mexico

Real estate listings in popular cities and towns in Mexico.

Pros Cons of Living in MexicoPros & Cons of Living in Mexico

Take off your rose-colored glasses and learn what expats have to say about the biggest challenges and the greatest rewards of living in Mexico.

Retiring in MexicoRetiring in Mexico

Advice for people retiring in Mexico.

Visa and Residency MexicoMexico Visa & Residency Guide

If you plan to move to Mexico, you'll need to understand the process involved and the order in which requirements need to satisfied. Here is an excellent primer on what you'll need to do regardless of the amount of time you plan to spend in Mexico.

10 Tips for Living in Mexico10 Tips for Living in Mexico

If you've recently arrived in Mexico, here are 10 tips for digital nomads living in Mexico.


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