After visiting twice, loving the country and then jumping through all the hoops for the investor 2 visa. I received the approval in principle (yay).
It has however come to my attention that NZ does aerial drops of 1080 poison on land and in the beautifully clean water! The water was one of the MAJOR reasons I was going to move.
Can people who KNOW about this issue please tell me how they reconcile living there, knowing that they have rat poison in their water? Please do not point me to the government propaganda site on 1080. I have done independent research, seen the documentary "Poisoning Paradise" and read reports that are NOT sponsored by the government/DOC.
In addition, please tell me how you feel about this new law requiring you to give the passwords to your digital devices. This is the very tyranny I am trying to leave behind.
After visiting twice, loving the country and then jumping through all the hoops for the investor 2 visa. I received the approval in principle (yay).
It has however come to my attention that NZ does aerial drops of 1080 poison on land and in the beautifully clean water! The water was one of the MAJOR reasons I was going to move.
Can people who KNOW about this issue please tell me how they reconcile living there, knowing that they have rat poison in their water? Please do not point me to the government propaganda site on 1080. I have done independent research, seen the documentary "Poisoning Paradise" and read reports that are NOT sponsored by the government/DOC.
In addition, please tell me how you feel about this new law requiring you to give the passwords to your digital devices. This is the very tyranny I am trying to leave behind.