Hi all, im from usa y lived in Argentina for 5 years. I am thinking of moving to Ecuador. Im looking for country living. I am skilled in the following : mechanic, eco construction, heavy equipment operator, welder, fabricator, home electrical y plumbing, dog raiser y trainer, basic gardening, landscaping and more. My last job in the States was a handyman service where i earned 35 an hour with a mile long list of customers.. I am working on an offgrid tech at the moment. It is almost completed. Argentina did not have the sources for me to complete it. I lost a lot of money buying y using their junk to make it work. It worked enough to run my car, so with some time, tlc and the proper tools I can get it working for a car, home power y more. I would be happy to give this tech to someone who can provide a place to stay in the countryside. A cabin to stay in will do. I can explain more to those who consider this y contact me. My spanish is ok. Living here taught me a lot so dont be offended if i am reserved in trusting you right off that bat. Met more foreighners who were just as bad as the low life locals. I hate dishonesty, liars, thieves.. people here know i do so they were cautious around me. Plus i had dogs that gave them a frightning chill. A must in S America ..i believe at least. So please do not contact me if you have those tendencies i hate.. I have matters to take care of here before I leave. I estimate I will be leaving in a few months. Since this site keeps shutting down on me it is better if those interested contact me via email o better whatsapp. My email is [email protected]. number is +5492604818699. Thanks!