Problems of the expat / Philippine home occupancy in the event of Filipina wife dies first (as property in her name) are well documented on this Forum (better get that PH document done guys-Userfruct etc!) BUT, I don't recall any posts about what happens to a Foreigner's assets held in another country where hopefully he has a Will drawn-up affective for that country's inheritance laws - ie. Wife normally inherits everything less whatever you may gift to anyone else relatives or not. The Philippine laws of inheritance are a messy minefield designed to shred assets whether Real Property or finances amongst the surviving Filipino's family. In the West we have full control over who-gets-what. SO, If you are married to a Filipina and die how are the assets you have in your home country - property or financial distributed ? Hopefully NOT as per the Philippines law as your Will/assets are held in another country and would be distributed 'normally' as we understand it having gone through Probate. Comments would be insightful. Thanks :)