I like to say that “everyone matters or no one matters”. This includes everyone on this forum whether they agree with me or not. The thing with groups (eg politics), is that you find that the negative leaders are usually the first trying to dominate the group, Things turn ugly, and then the positive leaders (who can’t stand it any longer) emerge and take away the power of the negative leaders or bullies. Negative leaders will fall in line or get thrown under the bus.. This leads to group intimacy ( but everyone doesn’t have to agree with everyone else ), and (national) pride. It doesn’t matter what nationality or whether GOP or Democrat, we don’t all have to agree all the time. However the positive leaders must rise and show the way. Isn’t this what Christ did? Each party must foster new positive leaders that can rise to the challenge. Popularity branding of politics packaged in patriotism doesn’t fly. Moral leadership & setting the best possible standards, and recognition that we are all included (but not necessary all equal) is the higher road to travel. My respect and best wishes to everyone. Have a Happy & Merry Christmas.