My most sincere appreciation to many of you that provided information and advice to me. THANK YOU for your time and efforts to help a newby. I have decided to take up residence in Tagaytay. A condo complex. Great security and fits my budget along with furnished 1 bedroom 1 bath units with great views of Taal Lake. This was a difficult decision until I realized that picking any long term location without first personally visiting was a silly mistake. The condo I selected is a base of operations while I travel at my leisure to review in person other potential sites to actually begin my next adventure. Many places to consider and issues to review. Without many of you on here as to where to look and to what to look for this important decision would have been much more complicated. I have moved up my timetable and look forward to putting faces on the names when I buy you dinner. I will PM you as my schedule becomes more accurate. Your friend Bebo