Just received mine for a cost of 8,770 pesos. Had to pay my annual registration fee of 310 pesos. My 13A Probationary approval became effective February 14, 2019, good for one year. My submission for 13A Permanent Resident status must be made 3 months prior to the expiry of my “probationary” 13A Visa, November 14. My NBI clearance must be completed before Nov. 14, when I male application for my 13A Permanent status. NBI clearance takes over a month, so I must apply for that October 1. If I travel outside the RP while on probation, an Exit Clearance Certificate with Return Permit (ECC/RP) must be secured prior to departure at the Immigration counter at the airport or from my BI office in Davao for assessment of fees. When I apply for renewal of my ACR-I card and Permanent status (Nov.), I must have an affidavit signed by my wife and I saying we have cohabitated for one year. I must inform BI and fill out forms for any change in address. BI in Davao has cells ( one occupied ) on the third floor of their Davao office. I’m not worried, I follow the rules.