I am a US citizen married to a foreign national. Each year we file a joint tax return with my spouse using her ITIN on the form. Under current IRS rules, any US citizen married to a foreign national using an ITIN on a joint tax form cannot receive the stimulus payment. Do not misunderstand me, I am not trying to get the stimulus payment for my spouse, just my individual payment of $1200. As an individual meeting all of the qualifications except my spouse's ITIN, it is not equal treatment with others married to foreign nationals with a SSAN. Please consider going to the White House petition site and signing my petition to have this changed, so only the US citizen can receive the stimulus payment.
Thank you for your consideration in this request. Those of us married to foreign nationals (with only ITIN) definitely deserve the stimulus payment before those being sent by the IRS to dead people.
Thank you for your consideration in this request. Those of us married to foreign nationals (with only ITIN) definitely deserve the stimulus payment before those being sent by the IRS to dead people.