Some men make no difference between gold diggers and poor women who are satisfied if just not need to worry about affording surviving!
There have been many stories told about Filipina gold diggers. (That's why I have told before about solutions which protect foreigners' investments at least better than writing it at Filipina gf/wife direct.)
I have sorted away many such by they sort away themselves :) when they notice I will not (send) them money.
((The only money I have send was to save the life of a 3yo boy when the family had sold their refrigirator and borrowed from everyone possible allready. Then I did send money to the urgent needed extra strong antibiotics. (They had shown me photos of the boy very swollen up at hospital.) He had pneumonia AND bowels clugged by inflammation so he couln't get nothing by swollowing. Hospital even had to pump up what he had above the clugg.)
A gold digger a HUGE difference from a Filipina aiming at not need to worry if she will have money to food and a place to stay.
I don't remember if I told in any other topic a good example of a good Filipina married to an American. E g when they went to buy a stove, then she went to the cheapest and her American husband went to the most expensive. Similar about some other stuff where she went for the cheapest but he made her buy well known brands. He use AC all the time, while she shut it off when he isn't there.
So an economical Filipina can save a lot for a foreigner if the foreigner don't sabotage to much :)
I claim an economical Filipina can cost a foreigner less than zero :)
I don't mean by employment/business herself, I mean by assisting the foreigner to avoid the much higher "kano prices" and knowing where cheap deals can be done...
But it's a bad idea to save as one Filipina did. She had heared she could get cheaper meal if buying from a foodcart just before closing time. It ended up she got food poisoning, fainted at floor at home at Friday evening and woke up Sunday afternoon, so it was luck she survived.
I know an other good Filipina. (Before covid) she earned good from her business.
She dress nice. I asked her about that, but all were ukay (=second hand or "preloved" as Filipinos say). And her home is nice too. I asked her how much she spend at living costs per month and she said 12 000* pesos in average. (2 years ago). Sad to say she has boyfriend huhu :)
*The home is bought and paid fully. She pay all the bills when her foreign boyfriend isn't there 6 months per year.
All these good examples are good looking so why chose a gold digger? :)
There have been many stories told about Filipina gold diggers. (That's why I have told before about solutions which protect foreigners' investments at least better than writing it at Filipina gf/wife direct.)
I have sorted away many such by they sort away themselves :) when they notice I will not (send) them money.
((The only money I have send was to save the life of a 3yo boy when the family had sold their refrigirator and borrowed from everyone possible allready. Then I did send money to the urgent needed extra strong antibiotics. (They had shown me photos of the boy very swollen up at hospital.) He had pneumonia AND bowels clugged by inflammation so he couln't get nothing by swollowing. Hospital even had to pump up what he had above the clugg.)
A gold digger a HUGE difference from a Filipina aiming at not need to worry if she will have money to food and a place to stay.
I don't remember if I told in any other topic a good example of a good Filipina married to an American. E g when they went to buy a stove, then she went to the cheapest and her American husband went to the most expensive. Similar about some other stuff where she went for the cheapest but he made her buy well known brands. He use AC all the time, while she shut it off when he isn't there.
So an economical Filipina can save a lot for a foreigner if the foreigner don't sabotage to much :)
I claim an economical Filipina can cost a foreigner less than zero :)
I don't mean by employment/business herself, I mean by assisting the foreigner to avoid the much higher "kano prices" and knowing where cheap deals can be done...
But it's a bad idea to save as one Filipina did. She had heared she could get cheaper meal if buying from a foodcart just before closing time. It ended up she got food poisoning, fainted at floor at home at Friday evening and woke up Sunday afternoon, so it was luck she survived.
I know an other good Filipina. (Before covid) she earned good from her business.
She dress nice. I asked her about that, but all were ukay (=second hand or "preloved" as Filipinos say). And her home is nice too. I asked her how much she spend at living costs per month and she said 12 000* pesos in average. (2 years ago). Sad to say she has boyfriend huhu :)
*The home is bought and paid fully. She pay all the bills when her foreign boyfriend isn't there 6 months per year.
All these good examples are good looking so why chose a gold digger? :)