I am 57, married to Filipina wife now 10 years, we have two children, ages 8 and 4. Wife has not been back to Philippines since she migrated to US in 2012.
Given that my children can become dual citizens, when considering where to live in retirement, one of my concerns is the economic opportunity that my children will have. What sort of jobs they can get, and what sort of compensation they will qualify for.
By trade, I have been a software engineer for the last 40 years. I make good money here in US. So I am very familiar with the earning potential in US for software engineers or cyber security engineers.
Do any of you know FilAM children (children of American and Pinay) who have been successful getting good jobs in Philippines?
If I were to retire to Philippines, and my children successfully completed college there, would they have a similar outcome in career choice as they may have if they completed secondary education in US?
I'm looking for opinions and possibly some examples you may know about.
I was surprised to learn that MindanaoBob packed it in and moved back to Indiana, US. I understand his reasons and do continue to follow him as BobInTheUSA.
Best regards to all, even surfingcebu.
I am 57, married to Filipina wife now 10 years, we have two children, ages 8 and 4. Wife has not been back to Philippines since she migrated to US in 2012.
Given that my children can become dual citizens, when considering where to live in retirement, one of my concerns is the economic opportunity that my children will have. What sort of jobs they can get, and what sort of compensation they will qualify for.
By trade, I have been a software engineer for the last 40 years. I make good money here in US. So I am very familiar with the earning potential in US for software engineers or cyber security engineers.
Do any of you know FilAM children (children of American and Pinay) who have been successful getting good jobs in Philippines?
If I were to retire to Philippines, and my children successfully completed college there, would they have a similar outcome in career choice as they may have if they completed secondary education in US?
I'm looking for opinions and possibly some examples you may know about.
I was surprised to learn that MindanaoBob packed it in and moved back to Indiana, US. I understand his reasons and do continue to follow him as BobInTheUSA.
Best regards to all, even surfingcebu.