NIF: Getting Your Número de Indentificação Fiscal
Nearly every official process in Portugal-- from buying a property, opening a bank account to setting up an account with a utility company--requires you to present your Fiscal Number.
What is a Portuguese fiscal number? A fiscal number is a tax identification number issued in Portugal to anyone who wishes to undertake any official matters in Portugal. A fiscal number is known as a Número de Identificação Fiscal (NIF) and is sometimes referred to as a Número de Contribuinte.
Who needs to have a fiscal number in Portugal? Each adult, whether an EU citizen or a third-country national, requires his/her own fiscal number to accomplish any of the following transactions in Portugal:
--Open a Bank Account
--Buy, Rent (Long Term) or Sell Property
--Get a Driver’s License
--File / pay Portuguese taxes
--Receive a shipment of goods through Customs
--Inherit assets
--Get a mortgage or other types of credit
--Receive income from work or a business
--Receive social security from Portugal (having earned it in Portugal)
--Enroll in a university
--Buy a car or motorcycle
--Set up utilities in your name
You will need a fiscal number to undertake any of the above in Portugal even if you are not residing in and do not intend to be resident in Portugal.
Step-by-Step Guide to Getting your NIF
Getting your Número de Identificação Fiscal (NIF) / Número de Contribuinte is free, quick and easy even if you’re not a resident or don’t yet have a Visa or Temporary Residence Permit. ?
1. Step one: Locate your closest Finanças: These are the government offices where you go to deal with anything tax related, including getting your NIF. You can go to any Finanças office. An online search will show you their locations. They are not open on weekends or national holidays.
2. Step two: Gather your required documents:
a. Identification: Your passport, your EU national identity card or your Temporary Residence Permit qualify as ID.
b. Proof of Address: If you are NOT yet residing in Portugal, present a recent utility bill or bank statement showing your home country address (with your name as it appears on your Identification). If you ARE residing in Portugal, present a bank statement, rental or purchase contract with your name and address as it appears on your Permit card.
3. Step 3: Get a Financial Guarantor: This is a citizen or permanent resident of Portugal who will sign for you. He/she guarantees that, if you default on any payments in Portugal, he/she will accept your liability. The guarantor must present his/her identify card. Often, landlords, friends or realtors will do this but that’s not always an option. Some persons will serve as your guarantor for a fee, charging from €40 to 90—these might be attorneys or simply citizens. A growing ‘industry’ of attorneys and others who will act as a guarantor has resulted in some unwary people paying a few hundred euros for this service and that can be avoided.
4. Step 4: Go to Finanças: Arrive about 20 minutes before your office opens. Then:
a. Go to the machine that issues ‘senhas’ or numbers to customers. The button that you press might show Número de Contribuinte rather than NIF. Don’t hesitate to ask another person in line. It helps to have the phrase written down to show people if you can’t rely on your Portuguese pronunciation. Get your number.
b. When your number is called / appears on the overhead screen, go to the respective desk or station and explain that you want to obtain your Número de Identificação Fiscal or Número de Contribuinte. Most offices have someone who speaks English, but this phrase should be enough to inform the agent of your purpose. Be respectful, be attentive, but don’t accept a denial of this service, which sometimes happens.
c. Present your documents and have your guarantor present his/hers.
d. Receive your NIF! It’s simply a piece of paper with your name, address and NIF on it. THERE IS NO FEE. There is no card or other document. Keep this in a safe place as you’ll be asked for this document to conduct any of the host of financial transactions noted earlier. Residence permit cards include your NIF so you don't have to carry the paper copy with you after you have your card.
? You can get an NIF from outside of Portugal. This requires an attorney to act for you. He/she will usually need a copy of your passport and a Power of Attorney document which expressly gives him/her permission to request an NIF number on your behalf. A Portuguese lawyer will prepare this power of attorney document for you, which will need to be signed in front of a notary. Once you have authorized your lawyer/ tax representative to obtain the fiscal number on your behalf, he/she can take care of the entire process.
REFERENCES: The NIF is assigned to persons by the Tax and Customs Authority, a body of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration. It was established by Decree-Law No. 463/79 of 30 November. Decree-Law No. 463/79 was withdrawn from 27 February 2013 by Decree-Law No. 14/2013 of 28 January.