Hello, I am a new member, this is my first post. My wife for 9 years and I are planning on relocating to Romania permanently within 2 to 3 years. I am an American citizen and she has dual citizenship (Romanian and American). We plan to build a house on property that we have already bought in the town where my wifes relatives live. I need a lo of information. We plan on selling most everything here and doing a container shipment to take the things we want to have over there. I will be retired, drawing social security and suppliment it with some 401K retirement money. My wife will probably work over there to suppliment our income. I need info such as: How do you arrange to get your social security and any other retirement money checks sent to you securely in Romania? What will be taxed as far as the items we ship in our container shipment? I will ask these questions as a starter and go from here. Thanks, RJ