Hi All! I'm in the process of shipping my dog to SA. I've decided to coordinate directly with the airlines, but I'm very concerned about the strict testing required and that I won't have all of my i's dotted and t's crossed. For that reason, I'm wondering if anyone has shipped a dog to SA without using a company to coordinate.
His crate meets shipping criteria, i.e., 3 sided ventilation and metal hardware, etc. He's ISO microchipped. He's UTD on vaccinations, etc. He'll have 6mos. of heartworm meds with him. I know the 5 tests required (4 really, since one isn't present in the states)... and I know the tests must be USDA stamped. Is there anything else I should be aware of? And how do I go about getting his SA Import Permit?
Thanks for any help you can offer!