I'm an American, and I have been living in Italy for 1 year. I finally have my permesso di soggiorno (permit to stay) and also my "residenza" in Italy. This took many months and A LOT of effort to get. I am finding out now that it is equally frustrating for a non-EU member to obtain the Spanish equivalent (work permit, I forgot what it is called in espanol.). Nonetheless, due to personal circumstances, I'm now considering going to Barcelona for CELTA training and possibly moving to Spain. I would like to find a job teaching ESL there (I am currently an English teacher here in Italy). I recently read something about how if I have my "residenza" in an EU country (i.e. Italy) it can allow me to live and work in another EU country -- Spain. This sounds too good o be true. Does anyone have any information about this? I appreciate anyone who has any info and cares to reply. Muchisimas gracias!!! Mariposa
I'm an American, and I have been living in Italy for 1 year. I finally have my permesso di soggiorno (permit to stay) and also my "residenza" in Italy. This took many months and A LOT of effort to get. I am finding out now that it is equally frustrating for a non-EU member to obtain the Spanish equivalent (work permit, I forgot what it is called in espanol.). Nonetheless, due to personal circumstances, I'm now considering going to Barcelona for CELTA training and possibly moving to Spain. I would like to find a job teaching ESL there (I am currently an English teacher here in Italy). I recently read something about how if I have my "residenza" in an EU country (i.e. Italy) it can allow me to live and work in another EU country -- Spain. This sounds too good o be true. Does anyone have any information about this? I appreciate anyone who has any info and cares to reply. Muchisimas gracias!!! Mariposa