Hi aLL, my name is WinG, from Hong Kong, 28, as a interior designer in HongKong, I'm planning to Amsterdam becsaue my bf will have a practise at Amsterdam,he is from Turkey,he will stay in 6 monthes becasue of he can get study & work visa there. I wanna can go w./ him for 6 monthes too but i do not have any reason to get the visa becasue i don't know can i get any job there, i had search the school, i wanna to take some course b4 but it's so expensive for me becasue of I'm non-Eur, if i wanna to find the job there, anybody know can i get teh job easy? can i get the job visa?in my passport, i just can stay in 3 monthes......... this is iur first time to meet earch other, so, we wanna can have a good plan b4 we meet......... so, anybody can help me or any suggestion for me? please give me reply, thanks!