This might be suitable for you: Perhaps you wish to do some business in or with companies in Belgium or you wish to avoid overcrowded cities. Then is Breda a good choice. Just like for us after 10 years living here. Right between Rotterdam and Antwerp or in the corner Rotterdam-Antwerp-Tilburg. Especially for those who are fond of modern architecture, who wish to live private yet not isolated, have a spacious house with straight walls, bright&practical with two secluded gardens, low energie & maintenance costs, within a five minute walk (with a dog) be in natural surroundings or take a five minute bike ride to the nearby shopping center. In the Summer one can take a 15 minute walk to the lake where people gather for picknick with a so-called Texas bar just to take a drink. The annual hot air balloon take off takes place every August there also.... If it catches your eye and you are interested in our house you can send us a mail to [email protected] or contact our agent Mr Joris Detrie office number +31(0)76-5424446 or 06-43727687