I'm not an anti-Semite and I think it's my duty to warn you about things taking place now in Ukraine. I'm sure you've heard about protests in Kiev and role of nationalists in it. With every day things getting worse and nationalists started anti-Jewish bashings as they promised. In a number of Ukrainian cities Jews were assaulted and some were killed and Ukrainian people try to help Jews. I'm not Ukrainian but I covered a family of five, and as far as I know the biggest part of Jews if not all are leaving Ukraine and going to Israel which authorities unofficially approved such immigration after people facing this new nationalist threat in Ukraine. So if you a Jew and you have plans to live and work in Ukraine, well, it's wrong time, because by all appearances Ukrainian Nazis won't stop and this nationalist euphoria is seizing more and more of Ukrainian cities. And I have no understanding of how they are going to be a part of Europe with such terrible nationalistic views because no one will be happy having Nazis close at hand and share responsibility for their actions.