Today: Feb. 9 more light every day is shed about Clinton being the "phoney" that we all know, being on the take from crooked Goldman Saks and others with influence.mClinton's may have been attacking Sanders about "socialism" but, what Sanders proposes is good, England and Germany were used as examples in a story today. Free college and med. Get rid of the armies of clerks with Blue Cross etc. Bill said he is over 70, so he remembers the "demons like Joe McCarthy" always drumming up fear! My wife said Soviet socialism was so good as the money was spread too thin with the east republics which sell melons not contributing, like the Baltics and Sweden has a "good system." It will die if they let in masses of arabs that sit around. My wife should be on CNN to "tell the real truth" she has lived in both times" 99% of people have not, they are influenced by corrupt people in gov.
By the way, I read about another nice place for you to move ,"Lake Balaton," it is a short train trip from Vienna.
By the way, I read about another nice place for you to move ,"Lake Balaton," it is a short train trip from Vienna.