I teach English as a Secong Language in Cleveland, Ohio and am thinking of relocating to Canada or the UK. Just finished my MEd and have taught at the adult/college level for a number of years. Although it's ironic that I want to move to an English-speaking country, I'm just not sure I'm up to learning a new language right now. (I do speak some Spanish.) I'm wondering, though, since there are native English speakers to teach ESL in the UK, if there would be job possibilities. (Versus someplace like Korea, for example.) Also wondering about job seeking. Many employers (where ever you look) seem to want local applicants. Is it better to take an extended vacation and then look for work in the UK? Also, how soon after arrival and with what visa status would one qualify for health coverage? Does one have to be working full time (or working at all) to qualify? Finally, any suggestions on location? I do prefer to work with adult language learners. Thanks for any help!