My husband and I have talked about it for ages and decided to do it now before our toddlers start school.
We would like to live in the UK for about 2 years. We hoping to find a job for him and travel around europe, so kinda like an extended holiday. Visa is no problem (EU passport holder). We would like to settle in either England or Scotland and are not too fuss as long as we have a job.
We deciding to go in either Oct 06 or May 07.
A few questions that I would appreciate any input:
1. With Oct 06- do we have enough time to get settle before the cold sets in. Dont want to be lost in a foreign country with toddlers in tow and have no idea about living with snow. Or better in May 07?
2. What options are there with temporary accomondations until we can find a place to rent?
3. Anyone with information regarding IT job? Best to get one first or when we get there?
4. Are we crazy to want to do this with 2 toddlers? Any tips?
5. My sister and husband and their toddler is considering joining us. Realistically what type of home/apartment should we anticipate and for how much for all of us? (Dont have to be in London)
6. Any recommendations for where to settle with good IT job prospects?
My husband and I have talked about it for ages and decided to do it now before our toddlers start school.
We would like to live in the UK for about 2 years. We hoping to find a job for him and travel around europe, so kinda like an extended holiday. Visa is no problem (EU passport holder). We would like to settle in either England or Scotland and are not too fuss as long as we have a job.
We deciding to go in either Oct 06 or May 07.
A few questions that I would appreciate any input:
1. With Oct 06- do we have enough time to get settle before the cold sets in. Dont want to be lost in a foreign country with toddlers in tow and have no idea about living with snow. Or better in May 07?
2. What options are there with temporary accomondations until we can find a place to rent?
3. Anyone with information regarding IT job? Best to get one first or when we get there?
4. Are we crazy to want to do this with 2 toddlers? Any tips?
5. My sister and husband and their toddler is considering joining us. Realistically what type of home/apartment should we anticipate and for how much for all of us? (Dont have to be in London)
6. Any recommendations for where to settle with good IT job prospects?