my husband has recently been offered a position with his current company in London. we currently reside in Chicago, and they offered him a 30% bump in salary with a 6000 pound allowance for a car. based on our individual research, we are going to be in the hole pretty quickly if we took this deal.
the problem is his company doe not use a consulting firm to figure out cost of living adjusments/housing etc.
is there a basic formula out there that can help us determine what the % would be. obviously housing plays a major role in this. so taking that out of the equation, anyone have words of wisdom for us? personally, based on what i have read, i feel it should be closer to 100% increase. are we crazy to think that?
any/all imput would be great. also, if anyone knows of individual consultants that work one on one for the employees best interest, we would be interested in working with them. thanks!
my husband has recently been offered a position with his current company in London. we currently reside in Chicago, and they offered him a 30% bump in salary with a 6000 pound allowance for a car. based on our individual research, we are going to be in the hole pretty quickly if we took this deal.
the problem is his company doe not use a consulting firm to figure out cost of living adjusments/housing etc.
is there a basic formula out there that can help us determine what the % would be. obviously housing plays a major role in this. so taking that out of the equation, anyone have words of wisdom for us? personally, based on what i have read, i feel it should be closer to 100% increase. are we crazy to think that?
any/all imput would be great. also, if anyone knows of individual consultants that work one on one for the employees best interest, we would be interested in working with them. thanks!