My company has offered me a position in London and they want to move fairly quickly. I'll hopefully be in London in about 2 months. However, I'm unsure of the compensation package. Currently I make 58000 USD and have been offered, 55000 GBP with tax equalization. I will be eligible for private health insurance, not sure about the premiums. They will pay for an all inclusive trip beforehand for my wife and I to find a flat. Also they will be paying all moving costs in a lump sum amount that I will negotiate with them. Additionally I will receive at the end of the year a cash bonus upwards of 13000 USD adjusted the same way they will my salary which is approximately 75% COLA and exchange to GBP, not sure if it's a fixed rate or if it's variable. They also pay for at least 2 maybe 4 visits back each year lasting about 5-7 days. We rent here in the US and will have to sale a car. We have no debt except for school loans; any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Not sure of the full details, but wanted to get some initial feedback. Will the 55000 be enough to make it over there? Thanks!